#!/bin/tcsh -f # # Create album-name and album-description files for # LazyGal gallery directories if they don't have them. # # Brent Chivers 2016/Feb/25 ##! /bin/tcsh -fb # for setuid/setgid scripts (tsk) # set verbose # see commands before variable substitution # set echo # see commands after variable substitution unset histchars # get other users' history characters out of the way unalias * # get other users' .cshrc stuff out of the way ## set nonomatch # don't require wildcard matches set SOURCEDIR = "$HOME/webpages/photos/bdchivers" set dirlist = /tmp/dirs.$$ set newlist = /tmp/new.$$ set months = ( January February March April May June July August September October November December ) /usr/bin/find $* -type d | /usr/bin/sort -r > $dirlist foreach dir (`/bin/cat $dirlist`) switch ( $dir ) case */[12][09][0-9][0-9]/[01][0-9]/[0-3][0-9]: # a day directory case [12][09][0-9][0-9]/[01][0-9]/[0-3][0-9]: # a day directory set day = $dir:t set chop1 = $dir:h set month = $chop1:t set chop2 = $chop1:h set year = $chop2:t if ( ! -e $dir/album-name ) then echo "creating $dir/album-name...." echo "$day $months[$month] $year" | /bin/sed 's/^0//' > $dir/album-name else echo "$dir already has an album-name file." endif if ( ! -e $dir/album-description ) then # combine photo txt files /bin/cat $dir/*.txt | /bin/sed '2,$ s/^/
/' > $dir/album-description if ( -z $dir/album-description ) then # no info from .txt files; try .comment files /bin/cat $dir/*.comment | /bin/sed -e 's/
/' -e 's=
==' > $dir/album-description endif $VISUAL $dir/album-description # and edit for day description else echo "$dir already has an album-description file." /usr/bin/find $dir -newer $dir/album-description | /bin/egrep -i 'jpg|txt|comment' > $newlist if ( ! -z $newlist ) then echo "new or updated content in $dir...." echo '' >> $dir/album-description /bin/grep comment $newlist | /usr/bin/xargs /bin/cat | /bin/sed -e 's/
/' -e 's=
==' >> $dir/album-description echo '' >> $dir/album-description /bin/grep txt $newlist | /usr/bin/xargs /bin/cat | /bin/sed -e 's/
/' -e 's=
==' >> $dir/album-description $VISUAL $dir/album-description # and edit for gallery description endif endif breaksw case */[12][09][0-9][0-9]/[01][0-9]: # a month directory case [12][09][0-9][0-9]/[01][0-9]: # a month directory set month = $dir:t set chop1 = $dir:h set year = $chop1:t if ( ! -e $dir/album-name ) then echo "creating $dir/album-name...." echo "$months[$month] $year" > $dir/album-name else echo -n "$dir already has an album-name file: " /bin/cat $dir/album-name endif if ( ! -e $dir/album-description ) then # combine daily descriptions /bin/cat $dir/*/album-description | /bin/sed '2,$ s/^/
/' > $dir/album-description $VISUAL $dir/album-description # and edit for month description else echo "$dir already has an album-description file." /usr/bin/find $dir -newer $dir/album-description | /bin/egrep -i 'jpg|txt|comment' > $newlist if ( ! -z $newlist ) then echo "new or updated content in $dir...." echo '' >> $dir/album-description /bin/grep comment $newlist | /usr/bin/xargs /bin/cat | /bin/sed -e 's/
/' -e 's=
==' >> $dir/album-description echo '' >> $dir/album-description /bin/grep txt $newlist | /usr/bin/xargs /bin/cat | /bin/sed -e 's/
/' -e 's=
==' >> $dir/album-description $VISUAL $dir/album-description # and edit for gallery description endif endif breaksw default: # not a day or month # echo "$dir is not a day or month directory." if ( ! -e $dir/album-name ) then echo "creating $dir/album-name...." echo $dir | /usr/bin/tr /= '\012' | /bin/grep -v '^.$' | /bin/cat -n | /usr/bin/sort -nr | /usr/bin/cut -c8- | /usr/bin/fmt -300 | /usr/bin/tr _ " " | /home/bchivers/bin/cap > $dir/album-name echo $dir | /usr/bin/tr /= '\012' | /bin/grep -v '^.$' | /usr/bin/fmt -300 | /usr/bin/tr _ " " | /home/bchivers/bin/cap >> $dir/album-name $VISUAL $dir/album-name # edit album name else echo -n "$dir already has an album-name file: " /bin/cat $dir/album-name endif if ( ! -e $dir/album-description ) then # combine sub-gallery descriptions echo "creating $dir/album-description...." /bin/cat $dir/*/album-description | /bin/sed -e 's/
/' -e 's=
==' > $dir/album-description if ( -z $dir/album-description ) then # no info from sub-galleries; try .txt files /bin/cat $dir/*.txt | /bin/sed '2,$ s/^/
/' > $dir/album-description if ( -z $dir/album-description ) then # no info from .txt files; try .comment files /bin/cat $dir/*.comment | /bin/sed -e 's/
/' -e 's=
==' > $dir/album-description endif endif $VISUAL $dir/album-description # and edit for gallery description else echo "$dir already has an album-description file." /usr/bin/find $dir -newer $dir/album-description | /bin/egrep -i 'jpg|txt|comment' > $newlist if ( ! -z $newlist ) then echo "new or updated content in $dir...." echo '' >> $dir/album-description /bin/grep comment $newlist | /usr/bin/xargs /bin/cat | /bin/sed -e 's/
/' -e 's=
==' >> $dir/album-description $VISUAL $dir/album-description # and edit for gallery description else if ( -z $dir/album-description ) then # existing description is empty echo "$dir has an empty album-description file." # /bin/cat $dir/*.txt | /bin/sed '2,$ s/^/
/' > $dir/album-description # if ( -z $dir/album-description ) then # no info from .txt files; try .comment files # /bin/cat $dir/*.comment | /bin/sed -e 's/
/' -e 's=
==' > $dir/album-description # endif # $VISUAL $dir/album-description # and edit for gallery description endif endif endif breaksw endsw end /bin/rm $dirlist if ( ! -e $newlist ) /bin/rm $newlist