#!/bin/sh ## run blockips and sleep 2 minutes; repeat. ## bchivers Mon Oct 5 03:07:44 EDT 2020 ## sleep 30 sec. 2020/Oct/29 # # run blockips every $FREQ seconds. # FREQ should be an interger divisor of 60 seconds. # bchivers Fri Oct 30 02:22:38 EDT 2020 # # FREQ=10 FREQ=5 # Fri Jan 1 03:27:55 EST 2021 while /bin/true do /home/bchivers/webserver/blockips SECS=`/bin/date +%S` USED=`/usr/bin/expr $SECS % $FREQ` WAIT=`/usr/bin/expr $FREQ - $USED` sleep $WAIT done