#!/usr/bin/awk -f # awk program to convert my calendar.tbl file into an HTML table # # Brent Chivers 2004/Sep/23- # # include short commented-out lines in the HTML file. BDC 2004/09/28 # # Turn HREF anchors into links on the next line. BDC 2004/10/21 # # Use HTML
between entries. BDC 2005/04/23 # Add a
after the date each day. # # favicon tags weren't done right. BDC 2006/04/18 # (I got poor directions from the web.) # # Do not add a "BASE HREF" tag; rely on index.html. BDC 2008/Apr/21 BEGIN { goturl = 0 days[1] = "SUNDAY" # days of the week days[2] = "MONDAY" days[3] = "TUESDAY" days[4] = "WEDNESDAY" days[5] = "THURSDAY" days[6] = "FRIDAY" days[7] = "SATURDAY" # HTML page headers printf ("\n") printf ("Brent's Calendar\n") # printf ("\n") printf ("\n") printf ("\n") printf ("\n") printf ("\n") printf ("\n") printf ("\n") printf ("\n") printf ("\n") printf ("\n") printf ("\n") printf ("
\n") printf ("\n") printf ("

Brent's Calendar

\n") printf ("\n") } /^\.ex/ { done = 1 ; next } # nroff exit -- ignore the rest of the input /\\\{/ { ignore = 1 ; next } # begin private calendar entry -- discard input /\\\}/ { ignore = 0 ; next } # end private calendar entry -- examine following input { if (done) { next }} # don't process any more input { if (ignore) { next }} # don't process this input /^\.__$/ { printf ("
\n") ; next } # broken line across column /^\._$/ { printf ("
\n") ; next } # horizontal line across column /^\.ds td / { updated = substr ($0, 8) ; next } # source file last-modified date /^\.ce 120/ { live = 1 ; newday = 1 ; next } # we've gotten into the real stuff /^\.\\\"leave/ { next } # omit hidden "leave" reminders /^\.\\\"\._$/ { printf ("
\n") ; next } # keep commented-out horizontal line across column /^\.\\\"\.__$/ { printf ("
\n") ; next } # keep commented-out broken line across column /^\.\\\"http:/ { url = substr ($1, 4) # grab commented-out URL goturl = 1 next } # URL to use on next line /^\.\\\"/ { test = $0 # copy the input line gsub ("", "", test) # remove italics tags, gsub ("", "", test) # then find out the line length if ((length (test)) < 22) { if (goturl) { printf ("%s
\n", url, substr ($0, 4)) # make short nroff comment a link goturl = 0 } # link has been used else { printf ("%s
\n", substr ($0, 4)) }} # short nroff comment -- include it else { next }} # long nroff comment -- ignore this line /^\./ { next } # ignore other roff commands/macros /^T\{$/ { printf ("\n") ; next } # end column/table row { if (live) { if (goturl) { printf ("%s
\n", url, $0) # print lines as links and break goturl = 0 } # link has been used else { printf ("%s
\n", $0) }}} # print other lines and break { newday++ ; if (live && (newday == 2)) { printf ("
\n") ; next }} # add horizontal line after the date END { printf ("
\n") # start table row/column day = 1 ; next } /^T\}\|T\{$/ { printf ("
\n") # end column/start next day++ ; printf ("%s
\n", days[day]) ; next } /^T\}$/ { printf ("
\n") printf ("Calendar last updated: %s\n", updated) printf ("
homesite mapemail me
\n") printf ("
\n") printf ("\n") }